Thursday, July 26, 2012

No Dish Left Behind

The other day I created a new rule.  I am also the ENFORCER (I sound authoritative don't I?)

Every night, no dish will be left unwashed.  Either handwashed or in the dishwasher.  If the dishwasher is full then handwash it is while it runs.  If the dishwasher is done, we unload it.

G despises anything cleaning related.  I will convert him yet!

So far so good.  We started Sunday night and everything is going great.  I just threw dinner in the oven and did all of my dishes used to prepare it are already done!  BAM!

There is one caveat.  If it doesn't get done at night, it is allowable to do them in the morning but they MUST be done first thing.  If it makes you late for work, well then you should have done them that night.  We haven't had to do that part yet because we're still rocking the dishes at night situation.

Wish us luck!


  1. Good luck! Im having a good day if the dishes manage to make it in the sink! :)

  2. It worked again last night. G even emptied the dishwasher!
